Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Boy Meets Boy

OK, I am going to begin by admitting that I cried at the end of the book. There was something beautiful and celebratory about a world where people could be who they feel themselves to be.

Edwardo Galeano says "La utopia esta en el horizonte. Me acerco dos pasos, ella se aleja dos pasos. Camino diez pasos y el horizonte se desplazo diez pasos mas alla. Por mucho que camine, nunca la alcanzare. Porque sirve la utopia? Para eso: sirve para caminar." ("Utopia is located at the horizon. I take two steps toward it, and it moves two steps away. I walk ten steps, and the horison moves ten steps farther from me. As much as I walk, I will never reach it. What purpose does utopia serve? It serves this purpose: it makes us walk.")

I think, in this sense, Boy Meets Boy offers a utopia that can inspire us to take steps in the right direction.

There is much to appreciate about this book. I like the portrait of Tony and his family. I like the intelligence and creativity attributed to high school sophomores. I like the idea of pancakes shaped like provinces.


Chris Kato. said...

Allen, you're not alone with the tears following this book. I finished "Boy Meets Boy" on a train, which is always an existential form of transportation for me, usually eliciting strong emotions to whatever it is I am reading or listening to.

The quote from Edwardo Galeano is wonderful - a perfect complement to the Utopian vision of "Boy Meets Boy." Where did this quote come from?

Nicole said...

I too believe that this book offers us a rare sight into a world that could one day be a reality...how close are we? I like to believe that we are coming closer everyday to this...our group presentation is something that proves how much closer we keep coming. Opening the door and opening minds....it's what teaching is all about.